Tanner is three weeks into his treatment. He has not experienced any real side effects yet other than being tired. He hasn’t lost his hair; I think he was worried about that happening.
On March 30, I attended a concert at Foley schools. I have great nieces who attend school there. The first grade classes had a concert. There are six first grade classes, so there were two separate …
On March 30, I attended a concert at Foley schools. I have great nieces who attend school there. The first grade classes had a concert. There are six first grade classes, so there were two separate concerts. I went to the 6 p.m. conce
We need everyone’s help. Three more children and three more adults were killed at a private religious school March 27. We have had 13 school shootings this year alone as well as 130 mass shootings this year. At what point do we say, “We need to make any attempt to make our schools safer for our kids?” Does that happen when those opposed to gun-related safety measures have their kids in the line of fire?
A level 3 sex offender has moved into Benton County with very little warning. A level three sex offender, as explained by the Minnesota Department of Corrections, is someone the state deems with the highest potential to reoffend. There are a number of offenders that are listed in the county; however, Brent Christopher Rahm, released March 16 and now living in the Foley/Gilman area, is the latest to be released and is a threat to the public based on his past history.
On March 15, my son, Tanner Brosh, was not feeling himself, so he went and had some blood work done. They told him he needed to go to the hospital in St. Cloud. He was admitted and the next day had a bone marrow biopsy.
I had the opportunity to eat lunch in the Foley Elementary School cafeteria Feb. 9. My sweet friend, Ava, invited me to be her special guest for lunch because she was the star student for the week in …
In October 2022, 11,000 older adults in Minnesota were turned away by long-term care providers because of staffing shortages. That number is staggering. The long-term care profession has …